Learn Australian English in each of these episodes of the Aussie English Podcast.
This is the Aussie Slang series where I teach you slang that is commonly used Down Under.

In today's episode...
I am going to teach you the Aussie slang phrase “bathers”.
Yes, you’ll be hearing a lot of Aussies say this slang word especially during the summer season!
Can you now figure out what it means?
Learn what it means and how you can use it in your daily conversations.
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Transcript of AE 949 - Aussie Slang: Out The Back of Bourke
G'day, you mob, how's it going? Welcome to this episode of Aussie English, it's another Aussie slang episode where my goal here is to teach you Australian slang words and expressions so that when you're speaking English down under, in the land of Oz in Australia or with Australians, with Aussies, you can communicate more effectively. You can sound like one of us. You can put a smile on their faces and also so that you can understand when Aussies are using these words or terms.
So today's term is "out the back of Bourke". "Out the back of Bourke". This is similar to the "back of beyond" which you can check out up here. But if you say "live out the back of Bourke", the idea is that you live a long way away that is remote or inconvenient. It is far away from civilisation. It's in the bush. It's rural. It's a long, long way away. It's out the back of Bourke. Right.
So where did this come from? It's based on an actual place in rural New South Wales that is called Bourke. That is a long way away. And it's extremely hot country and it's known for its dust storms and cotton farms. OK, so I wonder if any of you guys have been to Bourke.
Maybe you guys live out the back of Bourke. But you could use this expression to say, "Oh, mate, my my mate lives so far away from the city. It's effectively out the back of Bourke". "He lives so far away. It's out the back of Bourke. It's ages away".
So another one could be I went on a trip recently into Central Australia. And the whole time it was crazy being out the back of Bourke. You could see the stars. There were no people around. It's awesome. I love being out the back of Bourke.
So, guys, don't forget, I release a second episode in this series every single week that you can get access to. If you are a Premium Podcast or Academy member, you can get access up here or you can go down below to sign up. When you become a member, you will get access to a lot more English learning content both for Australian English, but English overall. So I really recommend that you check it out. And besides that, guys, I would love to see you use the expression "out the back of Bourke" down below in a comment. Have you been somewhere that is out the back of Bourke recently? Let me know below and I'll see you next time, peace!

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